Hurricane and weather studying becomes more and more advanced by the year, but how is this possible? In the United States, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is the scientific and regulatory agency that forecasts weather, studies the ocean, and handle marine life in the US. In this article, we’ll discuss the NOAA and how they came about.
The NOAA was formed in 1970 by Richard Nixon as a branch of the US Department of Commerce. Its work combined multiple older agencies and their functions together, such as the US Weather Bureau, the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, and others. With these agencies, they not only monitor weather and study the ocean, but also regulate fishing and marine life.
Interestingly, when it was formed in the 70’s it was supposed to originally be part of the Department of Interior rather than Commerce, but due to a feud between Nixon and interior secretary Wally Hickel, it fell through. Since Hickel was opposed to the Vietnam War and wrote to Nixon about it, when it was time to establish the NOAA, he gave it to the Commerce Department instead.

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