The beginning of the tri-state area, New Jersey is a state full of history, culture, and industry. With so much activity in this state, there are plenty of incredible structures to display their meaning! In this iteration of Amazing Architecture, we’ll be looking at the state of New Jersey and some of its many offerings.
Lucy the Elephant- located in Margate City, this six story elephant was built in 1881 by James V. Lafferty in order to promote real estate and to attract tourists. It certainly accomplished its job now being listed as a National Historic Landmark! This elephant is lavishly designed with a giant carriage on top, the entire structure being made up of wood. In 2020, it was listed on Airbnb for people to live inside!
Asbury Park Convention Hall- located in Asbury Park, this convention center, designed by the same ones who did Grand Central Station in New York, is built of brick and terra cotta giving it a unique color and look. With turquoise arches that outline the many entrances and windows, this space and boardwalk give it an elaborate aesthetic to any visiting, whether for a music concert or to visit the beach!

We hope you found these marvels in New Jersey interesting and consider checking them out if you’re in the area! At AJS, we are committed to serving the Gulf Coast and beyond in moving, building, and leveling and we are here to help you and your properties. For lifting, construction, or moving, give us a call today to schedule a free consultation!