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Michael Dattolico

Prepare, Don't Despair! Hurricane Preparation: Feeding You and Your Family During the Storm

When we live in with the comforts of microwaves, fridges, and stoves on a daily basis, it is hard to imagine surviving without them. However, with hurricane season on our heels, it is very possible these trusty everyday appliances might not be at your service for several days. So how do you prepare?

It is important to have enough food and water for your family for at least 3 days. Make sure to stock up early as grocery stores will run out when the storm frenzy picks up. It is also important to keep in mind any medications, pet food, or baby formula you might need. To help in your preparations, here are some of our nonperishable food suggestions that will also provide nutrition to you and your loved ones:

1. Whole grain cereal provide many B vitamins as well as fiber that will help you stay within your daily nutrient needs.

2. Canned tuna is a great protein source that often taste better than most other non-perishable meats.

3. Powdered milk is a great way to stay on top of your calcium and vitamin D even when your fridge is out of order.

Hopefully these tips will help you and your family be better prepared for this coming hurricane season. The most important thing during this time of year is keeping your loved ones safe. AJS is here to help you in the aftermath in case your home did not hold up as well as your preparation plans. For lifting, reconstruction, and rebuilding, give us a call for a free consultation.

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